TIBSOVO was studied in the following patients:
- 146 adult patients with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with an isocitrate dehydrogenase-1 (IDH1) mutation who were 75 years or older or had health problems that prevented the use of certain chemotherapy treatments
All patients received azacitidine for 7 days every 4 weeks, along with either:
- 500 mg of TIBSOVO taken orally once a day, or
- A daily oral placebo
Patients receiving TIBSOVO + azacitidine or placebo + azacitidine were treated for at least 6 four-week treatment cycles unless:
- Their AML progressed, or
- They had certain side effects so their doctor decided to stop treatment, or
- They received a stem cell transplant
More people with newly diagnosed AML who received TIBSOVO + azacitidine were able to live longer and achieve remission
Median overall survivala

TIBSOVO + azacitidine was proven to help more people live longer than those treated with azacitidine alone
aMedian overall survival is defined as the length of time from the start of treatment in a clinical trial to the time when half of the patients are still alive.
In the clinical study, 51% of people (37 out of 72) achieved complete remission (CR) or complete remission with partial hematologic recovery (CRh) compared with 18% of people (13 out of 74) on azacitidine alone.
Of the 37 people with newly diagnosed AML who achieved CR or CRh:
bThe median length of time that people stayed in remission could not be estimated in the study.
TIBSOVO + azacitidine also helped reduce the need for red blood cell or platelet transfusions.
TIBSOVO may cause serious side effects, including differentiation syndrome
Differentiation syndrome is a condition that affects your blood cells and may be life-threatening or lead to death. Call your healthcare provider or go to the nearest hospital emergency room right away if you develop any of the symptoms of differentiation syndrome while taking TIBSOVO.
TIBSOVO was studied in the following patients:
- 28 adults with newly diagnosed AML who were 75 years or older or had health problems that prevented the use of certain chemotherapy treatments
- 179 adults with relapsed or refractory AML
All patients received TIBSOVO 500 mg orally to start. They were treated with TIBSOVO until:
- Their AML progressed, or
- They had certain side effects so their doctor decided to stop treatment, or
- They received a stem cell transplant
Benefits seen with TIBSOVO ALONE in newly diagnosed AML
Some people with newly diagnosed AML who received TIBSOVO were able to achieve remission
In the TIBSOVO clinical study, 3 in 7 people (12 out of 28) achieved CR or CRh
Of the 12 people with newly diagnosed AML who achieved CR or CRh:
were in remission at 12 months after starting TIBSOVOc
cThe median length of time that people stayed in remission could not be estimated in the study.
TIBSOVO also helped reduce the need for red blood cell or platelet transfusions.
41% of people (7 out of 17) became transfusion free.
55% of people (6 out of 11) who were transfusion free when they started TIBSOVO remained so for a period of at least 8 weeks.
Benefits seen with TIBSOVO in relapsed or refractory AML
Some people with relapsed or refractory AML who received TIBSOVO were able to achieve remission.
In the TIBSOVO clinical study, about 1 in 3 people (57 out of 174) achieved CR or CRh.
Of the 57 people with relapsed or refractory AML who achieved CR or CRh:
TIBSOVO also helped reduce the need for red blood cell or platelet transfusions.
37% of people (41 out of 110) became transfusion free.
59% of people (38 out of 64) who were transfusion free when they started TIBSOVO remained so for a period of at least 8 weeks.